VMware PowerCLI

The Best User Interface for your VMware Datacenter!

SET-CIVM cmdlet for vCD to make it easy for customers to make changes to their VMs.

It’d be useful for Service Providers and customers using vCD. I regularly get customers who are familiar with PowerCLI and try to apply the same mindset from Set-VM for vCenter and they’re saddened from it being missing. Easiest way I’ve found to do this with PowerShell is to write a custom function where PowerShell leverages REST API.

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  • May 31 2018
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  • Alex Smith commented
    2 Dec, 2020 12:07am

    Agreed, was trying to find a way to change the storage policy on a VM or VM disks, only to find I have to wrap a function around the API call to achieve this. Much sadness.

  • Guest commented
    14 Aug, 2018 05:21pm

    Can you please share you version of Set-VICM?