Currently, the Set-NetworkAdapter cmdlet is not aware of NSX-T Logical Switches which are backed by the OpaqueNetwork network type. This prevents customers from being able to easily change or attach a VM to an NSX-T Logical Switch and would have to resort to the "Views" to be able to reconfigure the VM.
The following snippet was recently shared from few NSBU folks and it would be great if we can extend support for NSX-T Logical Switches
$vm = Get-VM
$adapter = $vm | Get-NetworkAdapter
$opaqueNetwork = Get-View -ViewType OpaqueNetwork
$opaqueNetworkBacking = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualEthernetCardOpaqueNetworkBackingInfo
$opaqueNetworkBacking.OpaqueNetworkId = $opaqueNetwork.Summary.OpaqueNetworkId
$opaqueNetworkBacking.OpaqueNetworkType = $opaqueNetwork.Summary.OpaqueNetworkType
$device = $adapter.ExtensionData
$device.Backing = $opaqueNetworkBacking
$spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualDeviceConfigSpec
$spec.Operation = [VMware.Vim.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation]::edit
$spec.Device = $device
$configSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
$configSpec.DeviceChange = @($spec)
The function Set-NetworkAdapterOpaqueNetwork will create that new object and will replace the usage of Set-NetworkAdapter in the meantime.
function Set-NetworkAdapterOpaqueNetwork {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
process {
$opaqueNetwork = Get-View -ViewType OpaqueNetwork | ? {$_.Name -eq $OpaqueNetworkName}
if (-not $opaqueNetwork) {
throw "'$OpaqueNetworkName' network not found."
$opaqueNetworkBacking = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualEthernetCardOpaqueNetworkBackingInfo
$opaqueNetworkBacking.OpaqueNetworkId = $opaqueNetwork.Summary.OpaqueNetworkId
$opaqueNetworkBacking.OpaqueNetworkType = $opaqueNetwork.Summary.OpaqueNetworkType
$device = $NetworkAdapter.ExtensionData
$device.Backing = $opaqueNetworkBacking
if ($StartConnected) {
$device.Connectable.StartConnected = $true
if ($Connected) {
$device.Connectable.Connected = $true
$spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualDeviceConfigSpec
$spec.Operation = [VMware.Vim.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation]::edit
$spec.Device = $device
$configSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
$configSpec.DeviceChange = @($spec)
# Output
Get-NetworkAdapter -Id $NetworkAdapter.Id
Command Example(rc_lgs_ow is the name of logical switch):
PS C:\Users\ydabas> Get-VM rc_geneve_o | New-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName "VM Network" | Set-NetworkAdapterOpaqueNetwork -OpaqueNetworkName "rc_lgs_ow" -StartConnected:$true
Name Type NetworkName MacAddress WakeOnLan
---- ---- ----------- ---------- ---------
Network adapter 3 Vmxnet3 rc_lgs_ow 00:50:56:af:b3:ad False