VMware PowerCLI

The Best User Interface for your VMware Datacenter!

Official NSX-V Module

Would be great to have an official NSX-V Module from VMware that is supported, the community one works great but its not officially supported so we can't use it in production.

  • Deleted User
  • Aug 28 2017
  • Will not implement
  • Aug 1, 2019

    Admin response

    Thank you to everyone that has upvoted this. If you are using, or plan to migrate to NSX-T, please upvote this one as well: https://powercli.ideas.aha.io/ideas/PCLI-I-195

    This has been deprioritized in favor of NSX-T and NSX-T Terraform providers. Please contact your Account Executive or TAM if this is a blocker.

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  • Guest commented
    1 Aug, 2018 06:53pm

    I work in a DOD facility.  By DOD requirements (STIGs), we are not allowed to use community supported scripts.  The minimum allowed is Vendor Supported.

  • Justin Sider commented
    6 Sep, 2017 11:29am

    I've given this some thought, and go back and forth on where I sit with the idea of something being supported or not supported. So my question, is why would this make a difference in your production environment, and who makes the decision not to use it? Here's why I ask; For the most part PowerNSX-V is just powershell that wraps the RestFul interface of NSX and also combines with Powercli to execute remote commands. There is no proprietary or compiled code that cannot be inspected. In other words, who approves your current powercli scripts that are used in your production environment? Since they are essentially open source as well, should you be using those? I'm not sure that this module being officially supported or not will help make your situation any better, nor make it a better product. The guys who wrote the module are very responsive and helpful.