VMware PowerCLI

The Best User Interface for your VMware Datacenter!

Firmware Versions

It would be great if there is a script to get all the HBA/NIC Firmware versions compared to  the latest  supported version.

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2019
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  • Gerhard Koch commented
    22 May, 2020 08:09am

    Connect-VIServer -Server dcpcesx9001.discovery.holdings.co.za -user administrator@vsphere.local

    # Check ESXi Host Devices against VMware IO HCL

    # Does not use live VMware HCL data, but a copied JSON based version

    # Needs to be connected to a vCenter Server (Connect-VIServer)

    # Does not upload any sensitive information. Downloads a full HCL copy and compares it locally.


    # The script uses Get-EsxCli -V2 which requires at least PowerCLI 6.3 R1


    # Author: Florian Grehl - www.virten.net

    # Configure device scope. Change the $devices variable to match the host you want to check.

    # You can check multiple hosts at once, but please note that the Script needs to call esxcli

    # to identify driver and firmware versions. This can take about 20-40 seconds per host.

    $devices = Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostPciDevice | where { $_.DeviceClass -eq "MassStorageController" -or $_.DeviceClass -eq "NetworkController" -or $_.DeviceClass -eq "SerialBusController"}

    # Uncomment this line to enable debug output

    $DebugPreference = "Continue"

    $hcl = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://www.virten.net/repo/vmware-iohcl.json | ConvertFrom-Json

    $AllInfo = @()

    Foreach ($device in $devices) {

    # Ignore USB Controller

    if ($device.DeviceName -like "*USB*" -or $device.DeviceName -like "*iLO*" -or $device.DeviceName -like "*iDRAC*") {



    $DeviceFound = $false

    $Info = "" | Select VMHost, Device, DeviceName, VendorName, DeviceClass, vid, did, svid, ssid, Driver, DriverVersion, FirmwareVersion, VibVersion, Supported, Reference

    $Info.VMHost = $device.VMHost

    $Info.DeviceName = $device.DeviceName

    $Info.VendorName = $device.VendorName

    $Info.DeviceClass = $device.DeviceClass

    $Info.vid = [String]::Format("{0:x4}", $device.VendorId)

    $Info.did = [String]::Format("{0:x4}", $device.DeviceId)

    $Info.svid = [String]::Format("{0:x4}", $device.SubVendorId)

    $Info.ssid = [String]::Format("{0:x4}", $device.SubDeviceId)

    # Search HCL entry with PCI IDs VID, DID, SVID and SSID

    Foreach ($entry in $hcl.data.ioDevices) {

    If (($Info.vid -eq $entry.vid) -and ($Info.did -eq $entry.did) -and ($Info.svid -eq $entry.svid) -and ($Info.ssid -eq $entry.ssid)) {

    $Info.Reference = $entry.url

    $DeviceFound = $true




    if ($device.DeviceClass -eq "NetworkController"){

    # Get NIC list to identify vmnicX from PCI slot Id

    $esxcli = $device.VMHost | Get-EsxCli -V2

    $niclist = $esxcli.network.nic.list.Invoke();

    $vmnicId = $niclist | where { $_.PCIDevice -like '*'+$device.Id}

    $Info.Device = $vmnicId.Name

    # Get NIC driver and firmware information

    Write-Debug "Processing $($Info.VMHost.Name) $($Info.Device) $($Info.DeviceName)"

    if ($vmnicId.Name){

    $vmnicDetail = $esxcli.network.nic.get.Invoke(@{nicname = $vmnicId.Name})

    $Info.Driver = $vmnicDetail.DriverInfo.Driver

    $Info.DriverVersion = $vmnicDetail.DriverInfo.Version

    $Info.FirmwareVersion = $vmnicDetail.DriverInfo.FirmwareVersion

    # Get driver vib package version


    $driverVib = $esxcli.software.vib.get.Invoke(@{vibname = "net-"+$vmnicDetail.DriverInfo.Driver})


    $driverVib = $esxcli.software.vib.get.Invoke(@{vibname = $vmnicDetail.DriverInfo.Driver})


    $Info.VibVersion = $driverVib.Version


    } elseif ($device.DeviceClass -eq "MassStorageController" -or $device.DeviceClass -eq "SerialBusController"){

    # Identify HBA (FC or Local Storage) with PCI slot Id

    # Todo: Sometimes this call fails with: Get-VMHostHba Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    $vmhbaId = $device.VMHost |Get-VMHostHba -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where { $_.PCI -like '*'+$device.Id}

    $Info.Device = $vmhbaId.Device

    $Info.Driver = $vmhbaId.Driver

    $Info.DriverVersion = $vmhbaId.DriverInfo.Version

    $Info.FirmwareVersion = $vmhbaId.DriverInfo.FirmwareVersion

    # Get driver vib package version


    $driverVib = $esxcli.software.vib.get.Invoke(@{vibname = "scsi-"+$vmhbaId.Driver})


    $driverVib = $esxcli.software.vib.get.Invoke(@{vibname = $vmhbaId.Driver})


    $Info.VibVersion = $driverVib.Version


    $Info.Supported = $DeviceFound

    $AllInfo += $Info



    # Display all Infos


    # Display ESXi, DeviceName and supported state

    $AllInfo |select VMHost,Device,DeviceName,Supported,Referece |ft -AutoSize

    # Display device, driver and firmware information

    $AllInfo |select VMHost,Device,DeviceName,Driver,DriverVersion,FirmwareVersion,VibVersion |ft -AutoSize

    # Export to CSV

    $AllInfo |Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation C:\Users\gerhard21\Documents\Scripts\IO-Device-Report.csv

    # Export to HTML

    $css = "table{ Margin: 0px 0px 0px 4px; Border: 1px solid rgb(200, 200, 200); Font-Family: Tahoma; Font-Size: 8pt; Background-Color: rgb(252, 252, 252); }"

    $css += "tr:hover td { Background-Color: #6495ED; Color: rgb(255, 255, 255);}"

    $css += "tr:nth-child(even) { Background-Color: rgb(242, 242, 242); }"

    Set-Content -Value $css -Path IO-Device-Report.css

    $AllInfo | ConvertTo-Html -CSSUri "IO-Device-Report.css" | Set-Content "IO-Device-Report.html"