VMware PowerCLI

The Best User Interface for your VMware Datacenter!

Add OutputType to all PowerCLI cmdlets (where it makes sense)

There still seem to be some VMware PowerCLI cmdlets that do not have the OutputType defined.
As a drawback that results in not being able to use intellisense in the ISE or VSC in constructs like this

Connect-CisServer -Server server.domain | %{$_.

When you type the dot, you are not presented with the available properties of the object that is produced by the cmdlet.

Some examples of cmdlets missing the OutputType (verified in 11.2)

Connect-CisServer, Connect-HCXServer, Connect-NsxtServer, Connect-Vmc, Get-NfsUser ...

  • Luc Dekens
  • May 23 2019
  • Planned
  • Attach files