VMware PowerCLI

The Best User Interface for your VMware Datacenter!

Ability to access the offline software depot and image profiles uploaded to the vCSA through API

Customer would like to use PowerCLI variable to get list of ESXi images uploaded to the VCSA for use with Auto Deploy Rules.

They want to get the $IMG variable from the VCSA's already deployed ESXi images that are stored in the VCSA's Image Builder Interface.


[Workaround] - TIME CONSUMING

Customer needs to export the images already uploaded (through UI) as ZIP files, and use the Add-EsxSoftwareDepot with that ZIP file.
Then Get-EsxSoftwareDepot will return the depot.

Add-EsxSoftwareDepot cmdlet "Adds an ESX software depot or offline depot ZIP file to the CURRENT PowerCLI SESSION"
So customer will have to add the depot each time he start a session.

  • Jim Enos
  • Sep 21 2021
  • Looking for Feedback
  • Attach files