VMware PowerCLI

The Best User Interface for your VMware Datacenter!

Module to manage vCenter SSO Admin functionality (SSO Users, Password, Lockout Policy, Identity Source, etc)

Today, vCenter SSO operations can not be Automated through PowerCLI, it would be very useful to expose a module that would provide such capabilities. Below are several articles outline use cases that rely on a CLI that resides on the vCenter Server and ideally, this functionality can be remotely called via an API that PowerCLI can consume




  • William Lam
  • Sep 7 2017
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  • Dimitar Milov commented
    May 27, 2021 09:32

    Global permission is not in the SsoAdmin domain. There is a PowerShell Module that covers the global permissions


  • Kamen Nikolov commented
    May 26, 2021 07:27

    Hi Sourav,
    Please add this as a feature request in the github repo. We would like to keep all feature requests for this module in one place.

  • Sourav commented
    May 26, 2021 04:17

    Would it be possible to add Global Permissions management capability to this module? That would probably be a useful part of SSO user management.

  • david becher commented
    February 04, 2021 19:51

    Is it possible to add an active directory server with specific domain controllers with this module? I don't see anything about passing SSL certs in the parameters, which are required for ldaps://

  • Kamen Nikolov commented
    October 05, 2020 14:21

    We have developed an open source module to allow managing SSO Admin functionality. It's available at: https://github.com/vmware/PowerCLI-Example-Scripts/tree/master/Modules/VMware.vSphere.SsoAdmin

  • Dimitar Milov commented
    September 30, 2020 13:30
  • Dimitar Milov commented
    September 25, 2020 11:34

    Hi everybody,

    If you have to set priorities to which SsoAdmin features should be available in PowerShell choosing from below list what are the most needed:

    -PasswordPolicy: Get/Set

    -ExternalDomain: Add/Get

    -LocalOSDomain: Add/Get

    -LocalUser: Get/New/Remove

    -LocalUserPassword: Reset

    -SolutionUser: Get/New/Remove


    -Cert Managment: New/Get/Delete-Certificate, TrustedCertificate, KnownCertificateChains, New-SignerIdentity

    -ClockTolerance: Get/Set-ClockTolerance

    -STS Settings: DelegationCount, RenewCount, HoKLifetime, BearerTokenLifetime

  • chin woo commented
    September 17, 2020 02:56

    This is what I've been looking for, really meaningful

  • Anders Mikkelsen commented
    August 20, 2020 21:02

    This is the last piece missing for standing up an ENTERPRISE ready virtual datacenter fully automated.

  • Forrest Burrows commented
    February 14, 2020 14:02

    This would be a huge improvement for deployments, configuration management, and compliance auditing. It astounds me that this has not been an option. 

  • Jason Hong-Turney commented
    July 01, 2018 06:06

    If I could upvote this 1,000 times, I would.  I could hack this in 6.5 by pulling over a couple of .sh files from a 6.0 install, but it's just not possible so far as I can tell in 6.7.  So much for being able to automate an entire deploy.

  • Morgan Svensson commented
    September 08, 2017 07:41

    This would be really useful. I'm in the process of automating a vSphere installation with PowerCLI and this is the one big piece missing...

  • Steve Kaplan commented
    September 07, 2017 23:48

    This is actually a big deal, as for things like the vSphere STIG... DISA has a lot of SSO-centric things that can't be automated today... I broke it down on my github repo for doing STIG things: https://github.com/stvkpln/vsphere-stig-powercli