VMware PowerCLI

The Best User Interface for your VMware Datacenter!

Native Support for Full Parent/Folder Path of Objects

I'd like to see native PowerCLI support for dealing with the full folder paths of objects.

Currently, I don't believe that there's a good way to select or identify objects based on their name and location in inventory.  If every object in a vC were uniquely named this wouldn't be a big problem, but that's not something I can assume.

There are a lot of methods the community has come up with to work with objects and folders, but they all work in different ways and have their own caveats.  It would be great if there was one official, accepted way to handle it.

To be sure that I'm getting the correct object, I have to collect the parent for that object, then collect its parent, iterating all the way down to the root vC folder object.  Add in the fact that objects can be children of various object types and this becomes more work as you have to continuously check for parent object type and modify the commands used to work with that parent.  Then do it all again in reverse to take an action on that object.


  • Mark Wolfe
  • Sep 8 2017
  • Looking for Feedback
  • Attach files
  • Adam Chandler commented
    9 Nov, 2017 04:35pm

    This would be very helpful to coordinate backups that based on folder placement.