VMware PowerCLI

The Best User Interface for your VMware Datacenter!

Netstack support

As VMware starts to split out core services into using their own netstacks (the best practice for vMotion today is to use the vmotion netstack... expecting to see other things like vSAN head in that direction, too)... it's even more important to be able to automagically be able (easily) configure netstack when provisioning VMKernel interfaces from PowerCLI.

Additionally, the netstack value should be a property of the VMKernel object, rather than something (only) buried deep within the boundless wonder that is ExtensionData.

  • Steve Kaplan
  • Aug 23 2017
  • Delivered
  • Attach files
  • Kamen Nikolov commented
    December 16, 2020 12:46

    This functionality has been shipped in PowerCLI 12.0

  • Marcus Puckett commented
    December 18, 2017 17:19

    Would be useful. Also it's a property of the VMK so probably should be included.

  • Brant Scalan commented
    October 11, 2017 18:23

    Definitely would like to see this for the available stacks as well any custom stacks that are user created

  • David Stamen commented
    September 25, 2017 19:53

    yes please! also would be nice to do new,set,get for vmkernels in response to netstacks to pull in ip gateway and subnet specific to a netstack instance too.


    also to be able to configure netstack to set the gateway after vmkernel creation.

  • Steve Kaplan commented
    September 24, 2017 19:32

    Also would be helpful if the netstack was a property of the base vmk object, rather than having to go look through the extensiondata... :)